/* STRUCTURE */ SET NAMES 'utf8'; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_orders ADD total_wrapping DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER total_shipping; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_carrier ADD range_behavior TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER shipping_handling; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_order_detail ADD product_supplier_reference VARCHAR(32) NULL AFTER product_reference; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_product ADD supplier_reference VARCHAR(32) NULL AFTER reference; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_product_attribute ADD supplier_reference VARCHAR(32) NULL AFTER reference; ALTER TABLE PREFIX_customer ADD UNIQUE customer_email(email(128)); ALTER TABLE PREFIX_product_download ADD active TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 AFTER nb_downloadable; /* CONTENTS */ INSERT INTO PREFIX_hook (`name`, `title`, `description`, `position`) VALUES ('createAccountForm', 'Customer account creation form', 'Display some information on the form to create a customer account', 1); INSERT INTO PREFIX_lang (`name`, `active`, `iso_code`) VALUES ('Română (Romanian)', 0, 'ro'), ('Νεοελληνική (Greek)', 0, 'gr'), ('Slovenčina (Slovak)', 0, 'sk'); /* CONFIGURATION VARIABLE */